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Kahoot {Quiz/Review Game}

Kahoot is one of my all time favorite tools to use in the classroom for review games. My students absolutely love it. It is a fast paced game that students play on their devices or computers, while you show the question and answer options on your large screen at the front of the room. Your students can also play in groups if you are not a 1:1 classroom.

Kahoot is super easy to set up. You can pick your own topic and then just create questions that go with it. When I was teaching 6th grade science, I used to take all of the questions off of the study guide and turn it into a Kahoot game to play the day before the test as review.

Sometimes, I like to open the class with Kahoot to see what the students already know. We play through and see their scores. Then I teach the lesson about the topics that we just learned about in Kahoot. To end the class, or after the lesson has been taught in its entirety, I like to go back and play in "ghost mode" and have the students see how much knowledge they have gained since they took it the first time.

Ghost most is where the students play against themselves from the first game, as well as against everyone who is in the game currently. I have also used ghost mode for one section to compete against another section on the same topic to see who can get higher scores.

A FANTASTIC feature that Kahoot has is that you can search for any Kahoot that anyone else has created and marked as Public. You can use it as is, or save it to your Kahoot bank and edit it to fit your classroom content. Talk about a time saver, right?

Try it out & let me know what you think,
Mrs. Tech

*If you are more of a visual learner, check out my "how to" video on using Kahoot, as well as some way to use it in the classroom.

**If you want to have your students try out Kahoot, download this tool that walks them through step by step directions on how to complete their first quiz/review game.


  1. I love Kahoot! Great recommendation! I've never met with anything but enthusiasm from my students when I try it out. Thanks for linking up with Spark Creativity!

    1. My students love it too! They are actually disappointed now when we review another way! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Replies
    1. Absolutely do! It is such a fun way to review and the students are learning while they're playing too!

  3. Far Cry 5 is another improvement to a series that hit its stride quite a long time ago. It gets a recommendation not because of any of its individual features, but because they all combine together into a game that becomes paradoxically funny and horrifying, occasionally at the same time. It depicts a part of America lovingly with its tongue very firmly glued to its cheek, but when I close my eyes, I still see Joseph Seed staring back at me.
    See more review: A Plague Tale: Innocence
    Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
    The Crew 2


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